What We Believe

At the Christian Coalition for Safe Families, when we talk about domestic violence, we are always talking about all forms of domestic abuse. Also called intimate partner violence or relationship abuse, we include family violence as part of this definition to include abuse of the elderly. We use the words violence and abuse interchangeably to mean coercive, psychological, verbal, legal, emotional, economic, physical, sexual, and religious. Any abuse behavior against another is a violent assault on that person’s very being, their heart, their soul, their psyche.

Domestic abuse is a deliberate, intentional pattern of power and control over another individual in an intimate relationship. When the abuser feels that they can no longer control the other person in the same manner, the abusive behavior frequently escalates. Children intuitively are aware of the abuse in a relationship whether they see it or not. When we talk about any kind of domestic abuse situation, we acknowledge that any kind of abuse is soul damaging, has the potential to escalate and creates its own legacy.

Mission Statement

We are committed to ending domestic abuse in families and individuals.

Vision Statement

Armed with knowledge, tools, and resources, all of us can be advocates to effectively decrease domestic abuse in families. Families will heal and the generational legacy of domestic abuse will end.

Statement on Violence

CCSF abhors and decries violence of any kind. This includes domestic violence, racism, abortion, and all other forms of violence. We need to acknowledge that we as a people need a change of heart. God is calling us to become a wiser, kinder nation that includes compassion, respect, and love for all.

He has shown you O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

Micah 6:8